Cycle to Work Day 2024

Posted 01/08/2024

At Hemel Garden Communities, we are passionate about promoting active travel. Recently, we had the opportunity to speak with Cllr Adrian England, the Leader of Dacorum Borough Council, to understand why cycling is his preferred way of commuting and getting around the town.

  1. Have you always been a cyclist?

“I was a ‘cycle everywhere’ person until I was 17 and learnt how to drive, and the cycling dropped off sharply after that. I’ve always had a bike, sometimes it wasn’t used that much, and it would be sitting around getting rusty in the shed. It can be tricky to fit cycling in unless you make it a full-time hobby, but one way to do it is to build it into your working day if you can.”

  1. What made you decide to start cycling to work?

“Previously, my job meant I had to drive to my work location, and it wasn’t really feasible to do it on a bike, but since I’ve been working at home or at The Forum it became more practical for me. I also thought, I’m going to be saving hundreds of pounds in fuel and car running costs.

Having the DENS Bike Project locally, also really helped, since I thought I’m in safe hands here, and I can get myself a decent second-hand bike and it will be the right size for me, and someone will make sure it’s set up correctly.   I can also take the bike in for maintenance if I need to.

 As a cyclist you really notice your safety, I didn’t as a teenager, but I take it seriously now. I bought a helmet and lights, and I’m now equipped to ride my bike all year round.

I feel really well supported by the Dens Bike Project and they definitely helped me make the commitment to start cycling to work. Then it was just a case of getting back in the saddle!”

  1. Why do you prefer to cycle to the Council Offices?

“It's quicker than walking, and since I live close to the Forum, I don’t really need to use the car. I was also aware that we need to encourage more active travel around the town, so it was a case of practice what you preach!”

  1. What has been your longest journey on your bike so far?

"My longest ride since getting back on the bike has been from Adeyfield to Redbourn, using the Nickey Line. I’ve been successful at using my bike more during my working day too. I’ve travelled to meetings, going from The Forum to at Brockswood Primary School in Woodhall Farm and a meeting at Two Waters Primary school in Apsley."

  1. What benefits have you seen to your wellbeing through cycling?

“At first my fitness was definitely not there, and I was a bit daunted by the hills, but these days bike have a lot of gears, compared to the gears that I had when I was riding around at 16 or 17. It makes a difference.

When I come back from cycling now, I’m a bit sweaty but I know I’ve had some good aerobic exercise. It takes me around 12 to 15 minutes to get home, which isn’t very long. It’s a really good, quick workout without me having to think, when am I going to fit some exercise in. It’s building up my fitness, the more I cycle the more I realise that I can go anywhere on my bike if I’ve got the time.

I’m prepared to get off and just walk for a minute or two when a hill is too steep, and then get back on again. When you compare it, you are still saving time riding a bike, rather than walking, and even though you might be in first gear you are still catching up to the person walking up the hill.”

  1. What would you say to someone who is thinking about cycling to work?

“I would tell someone to try it, you might like it. You do need to make a commitment to do it for a period of time. The first couple of times I tried to cycle to work, I wasn’t sure if it was going to work out but after maybe 5 or 6 times, I started to feel more confident. My advice would be to give it a proper try!”


Hemel Garden Communities are working on plans to help transform Hemel Hempstead, for future expansion. Our 2050 Transport Vision & Strategy, includes encouraging more active travel, meaning the natural choice for local journeys would be by walking, cycling, or using public transport.

To find out more about the HGC 2050 Transport Vision and Strategy click here